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Horses & heavy equipment: different saddles, same solutions

Meet Levi, Equipment Superintendent and 15-year employee-owner at ESS. When he’s not managing our equipment operations in Springfield, Missouri, you can find him in the saddle, breaking and selling horses. It’s a hobby that’s more than just a pastime for Levi; it’s a way of life that’s shaped his approach to work and leadership.

Saddling Up

Levi’s journey began in the world of rodeoing and colt-breaking. Growing up, Levi’s family embraced both horses and hard work. His dad was a lineman and a rancher who often bragged “my kid could ride it” to their neighbors, so Levi was no stranger to the saddle. From riding colts to pulling logs with horse teams, by age 13, he went on to the junior rodeo and hands-on horse training. At 16, he was already breaking colts for local horsemen and learning the ropes of the trade.

When it was time to start his career, he transitioned from rodeo to construction. After a few traveling horse training jobs, he found himself in Missouri, starting a career in construction. “I’d work construction by day and train horses by night,” said Levi. “It taught me the dedication and time management skills I’ve used throughout my life.”

Lucky for us, his journey led him to ESS in 2009. Through the long hours and raising of a family, Levi never let go of his passion for horses. He even managed to buy a farm, where he continues to train horses on a slightly scaled-back schedule.

For Levi, riding horses before work isn’t just a hobby; it’s a way to keep life balanced and engaging. His wife Nikki and daughter Lily share his love for horses, often joining him in daily rides. Their shared experiences have not only strengthened family bonds but also offered Levi invaluable lessons in patience and persistence.

Roping it Together

At this point, you may wonder what the link between horse training and construction could be. Levi finds it in the repetition and patience required in both fields. Just as horses need consistent training to learn new skills, employee-owners benefit from the same level of dedication and patience. Levi’s experience with horses has made him a more patient and effective leader.

His approach is reflected in his management style. “I understand that every position comes with its own set of challenges,” said Levi. “Just like with horses, effective leadership involves consistent effort, clear communication and patience.” His mentality remains the same whether he’s navigating the complexities of his day job or dealing with a tricky horse.

Whether he’s selling horses across the country or in operations meetings, he brings the same dedication and enthusiasm to every aspect of his life.


Published onPublicado en August 6, 2024
Equipment Equipamiento | People Personas