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Building futures: ESS Foundation awards 40 scholarships

The future of construction is starting to take shape! The ESS Foundation, an employee-owner-led, 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is committed to helping lay the groundwork for the future of our industry. 

This year, we’re excited to announce that the ESS Foundation has awarded 40 scholarships totaling $63,000 to talented students pursuing careers in construction. Out of these, five scholarships were awarded to returning recipients who continue to impress with their dedication and drive. 

Since 2019, the ESS Foundation has awarded more than 140 scholarships totaling approximately $223,000. It’s not just about the dollar amount — it’s about investing in the next generation of construction leaders. The ESS Foundation scholarships are awarded for college, graduate or skilled trade school education in the construction fields. By supporting students, we’re not only helping them achieve career goals, we’re ensuring our workforce continues to thrive with passionate young professionals. 

Congratulations to our newest scholarship recipients! We’re excited to see what the future holds for your construction career. Scholarship applications for 2025 will open on November 11, 2024 with a deadline of April 1, 2025.

Published onPublicado en August 7, 2024
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