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Destiny Musgrove, Operator Class 3

Meet Destiny Musgrove. She is 20 years old and an employee-owner at Emery Sapp & Sons (ESS). She’s been with ESS for a little over 10 months now as an Operator Class 3 for Highway and Grading in Columbia, Missouri. As part of Women In Construction Week, Destiny shared a little about her story into the industry and where she’s headed in the future.

Q: How’d you discover ESS?

A: I discovered ESS when I was a student at State Technical College of Missouri. This is where I met Sara Snodderly, the Director of Workforce Development at ESS. When she came to campus and spoke to the class, she introduced herself to my friend Chyann and I. Sara talked to us about ESS and always made a point to connect with us every time she visited State Tech.

Q: One goal you plan to accomplish with your career:

A: My goal is to run and get familiar with as much equipment as I can. The more I learn and get familiar with the more I’ll be able to work in different areas and aspects of the job.

Q: What does the construction industry or your role at ESS mean to you?

A: My role in the construction industry means a lot to me because I know that I’m always going to be learning something different. Working at ESS, I’ve already seen a lot of cool things I never even thought of and I’ve met a lot of interesting people that have been extremely helpful.

Q: What advice would you offer to someone who just started in the construction industry?

A: A lot of people expect to just come out of high School or college and be on top. My advice to those individuals is to remember that everyone starts somewhere. Just because you have a certificate or degree doesn’t mean you’re better or just as good as the guy who’s been working there for ten years. Don’t come into a company with a big bad attitude like you own the place. The truth is, you’re replaceable. Show forth effort, be on time (which means early), and just act like you wanna be there by doing your best.

Q: In your opinion, what is the recipe for success?

A: In my opinion the recipe for success is to always be the best you can be and to try to improve each day. Also, never be afraid to ask questions and if there’s something new you can learn take advantage of it.

Published onPublicado en March 5, 2021
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