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With a growing company, it was time to take our Annual Meeting to the next level. Introducing: Shareholder Week. The all-new, week-long celebration featured exclusive on-demand virtual content each day of the week.

🤓 Monday – ESOP Education

These two ESOP sessions featured a lesson in ESOP 101 and then dug into some ESOP plan changes.

⚙️ Tuesday – Branch Breakouts

Eight unique branch sessions were led by local leaders. Each session experienced highlights, celebrated their successes, and saw what is coming up for their branch.

💬 Wednesday – Leadership Roundtable

Hosted by our Co-CEOs, each of our Vice Presidents shared what’s happening around their parts of the company.

🎙️ Thursday – Executive Update

We heard the latest company-wide news straight from our Executive Management Team.

💰 Friday – Stock Price Reveal

The moment everyone was waiting for. The Stock Price Reveal had everyone on the edge of their seats as they learned our 2022 stock price together!

No matter what region, branch, or team we’re on, our company’s success starts with us. Shareholder Week was a celebration of that success and a build-up of what is to come.

Though the main event was our virtual sessions, the celebration wouldn’t be complete without kudos videos and prizes! Each day of the week featured new shoutouts from employee-owners to employee-owners and new winners taking home some swag.

To conclude the week of virtual content, some employee-owners came together to celebrate. Three of the branches hosted their own parties with live entertainment, prizes, and a guaranteed good time. What a way to end the week-long celebration! 🎉

Thank you to everyone who joined the sessions and made #SW23 one to remember! 👏


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