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Learn+Earn 2024

Building connections

Another year of Learn+Earn events is in the books! Our recent networking and educational events in Northwest Arkansas and Kansas City brought together A/E/C pros to dig into the trends and challenges shaping the industry. Both events featured insightful discussions, valuable connections and expert perspectives. In case you couldn’t make it, here’s a brief recap:

FMI’s Construction Outlook 

Kicking the event off, Brian Moore, a partner at FMI Corporation, shared his expert analysis of the construction industry outlook. Brian left attendees cautiously optimistic about what’s to come and encouraged them to position their companies for what’s next. 

Empowering, growing and planning for the future

Recruitment and retention are at the forefront of many conversions within the industry. This panel discussed the importance of empowering employees and shared best practices for training and development. Attendees left with fresh ideas about how to build a strong team that can drive their companies forward as they plan for the future. 

Local Market Outlook

Panelists from the Northwest Arkansas and Kansas City regions respectively shared their insights on trends and challenges they are facing. The panels highlighted key factors driving growth and change in the area and offered valuable perspectives on how to navigate the local landscape. 

“When the private sector gets expensive we see the public sector get cheaper. This is the time when we lean on our partnerships with municipalities to build infrastructure,” said Aaron Young, director of development at Hunt Midwest.

Foundation for new connections

Beyond the sessions, Learn+Earn serves as an opportunity for networking and building connections within the A/E/C community. Attendees had the chance to engage with industry partners, share experiences and explore future collaborations. 

Thank you to everyone who attended Learn+Earn 2024! We look forward to future events and opportunities to bring our partners together.

Published onPublicado en August 20, 2024
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